Sunday, May 16, 2010

The first day of the rest of my life

I felt OK today. Not great. Almost good. Definitely not awful. OK.

I started the day with green tea, as opposed to the black tea I went with the last couple days. I also had my Vitamin B energy drink, and then worked out. Exercise needs to be a big part of my taking care of myself. I work at a gym, it should be really easy. But you know how it is when something is too convenient and easy - it makes it easier to blow it off. I've been working at the gym since October and I still haven't gotten into a habit of consistent workouts. This will change.

My gym recently started offering Spinning classes and I've done it a couple times and really liked it. I'm making an effort to take as many classes as I can.

There's something I find very meditative/spiritual about this form of exercise. I guess it's just getting into the rythm of pedaling the bike. I close my eyes and just listen to the music and pedal to the rythm and totally forget where I am. Which is good because I'm trapped in a room with a bunch of other sweaty women, not something I really want to be aware of.

I also tan when I'm at the gym and I spend those 12 minutes praying or meditating. It might sound weird but it makes perfect sense to me. It's literally the only time I'm completely alone and completely cut off from the world. No noises (besides the sound of the fan in the tanning bed) and no distractions.

I attribute this morning of exercise and spiritual renewal to my feeling well. The first couple days of withdrawal were rough. The little bit of the old me that's left was very discouraged and beginning to think none of this was worth the effort. But this little bit of quiet time I had to myself really helped me re-focus and remember the goal.

Being well. Being healthy. Being happy and fulfilled. I'm keeping my eye on the prize.

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