Friday, May 14, 2010

Seriously, no coffee.

What a day to be my first coffee-free, sugar-free day. Because I'm in school, I don't work a lot, but I have two part time jobs. Fridays I work both my jobs. I get up at 5am to work my 6 hour shift at the gym, and I work in the afternoon/evening for a Mother of 2 doing general household cleaning/help. I sometimes have special orders for baked goods also.

Today I had 3 jobs - gym in the morning, then finish up cupcakes for an order, then household help job. All this with no coffee.

In the past few months, I guess I had some kind of intuition to start weening myself off coffee. I would go a day or even two without drinking any coffee. But I would usually do it on a day that I didn't have work or class. I would also supplement the coffee with diet soda.

On top of the challenges of this busy day with no coffee, I had to frost the cupcakes that I had made the previous day. Cupcakes. When I've just given up sugar.

I'm so thankful that I can still have caffeine in the form of tea. I also drink an energy drink that's sugar free and is loaded with B Vitamins, but it has other artificial ingredients. It's gonna have to be OK for now, though, just to help me through this withdrawal. So black tea was my best friend this morning. I worked out a little bit which I'm sure helped my energy levels. I made it through, I didn't even have a headache! I felt a little jittery sometimes, and restless. Weird. All the coffee I drank never gave me the jitters.

Frosting cupcakes was difficult. The sweet smell of butter and sugar and vanilla was hard to ignore, but I just have to keep telling myself this is for my health. I am the most indecisive person you could ever meet, but once I do make up my mind, I'm impossible to budge. Once I told myself that this was for the better, once I made the decision to change my life, it just wasn't as hard as I thought it'd be. Frosting got all over my hands, and I almost licked it off, just out of habit, but I stopped myself. And that was it, it didn't bother me anymore.

I took a 20 minute power nap in between jobs but by late afternoon I was feeling the effects of a lack of coffee. My head was all foggy. I was very confused. I kept dropping things. But you know what? I did it. I made it through. I pushed through my lack of energy and I fulfilled all my obligations, and it was pretty encouraging.

I guess I really tired out my poor, weak adrenals, becuase I slept nearly 10 hours that night.

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